Spring Exuberance

Critique Style Requested: Initial Reaction

Please share your immediate response to the image before reading the photographer’s intent (obscured text below) or other comments. The photographer seeks a genuinely unbiased first impression.

Questions to guide your feedback

Spring (well, in the northern hemisphere anyway!) is a time of exuberance and growth. Nature is putting forth lots of energy for the new plants. I hope this image captures that sense.

Other Information

Please leave your feedback before viewing the blurred information below, once you have replied, click to reveal the text and see if your assessment aligns with the photographer. Remember, this if for their benefit to learn what your unbiased reaction is.

Image Description

This is just a reflection in a small stream (if anyone’s interested).

Technical Details

Expanded histogram, brightened, targeted light/color adjustments.

Specific Feedback

Mainly looking for the emotional impact of this, but I’m always up for technical input, also.

Bonnie, this really feels like a Monet painting. I love it. Nothing Technical to say. It’s terrific.

Bonnie, my first reactions are; fun, exciting and spring. Love the colors and the movement. Love it!

Hi Bonnie,

First reaction - love it! Great title, too. Your image immediately caught my eye. The movement is dynamic and wonderfully impressionistic, and the colors pop.

The only aspect I’m curious about is the thicker vertical branch on the right side. It’s just a little heavier than the rest of the scene, so it draws my eye. My thought was to lighten it a smidge to see if that helped with balance:

Maybe??? Or maybe I’ve just taken away something that added some tonal range and interest. ? I’m curious what you/others think.

Since you asked for initial reaction, that was what I noticed. After that first look, it remains a lovely image with lots of energy.

My thoughts, to take or leave as you see fit!

Now to read what you initially wrote up about the image… :slight_smile:


Just love the vibrance and energy here. The backlit leaves are beautiful and indeed bring visions of spring. I really like the small tweak that @Beth_Buelow did; it really evened things out and allows the vibrant leaves to show even more! I do like that the branches provide structure, and the leaves of course are providing the energy.

Initial reaction. This interesting because one thing that we haven’t discussed about the new critique styles… is the title. Interesting because, IMHO, the title is quite a significant contributor to what our first impression is. Just by the title alone, I already know your impression. It’s neither good, nor bad, but I think at least a factor.

Beautifully seen and captured Bonnie. You have a keen eye for the reflection. Love this.


ps. I really like the new form

Initial reaction? Surprise that you did not submit another reflection. I thought it was shot directly up into a bush or small tree with new spring growth being moved by a spring breeze (maybe ICM or double exposure?). After initial reaction I discovered 1/200th of a second and tend toward reflection, but still not convinced. In any event, exuberance and spring are well presented. Nice shot.

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Thank you @David_Bostock @linda_mellor @Beth_Buelow @Lon_Overacker and @Jim_Gavin for your thoughts and appreciation.

I agree and I had lightened it up quite a bit already. It didn’t bother me so much after that, but I understand your suggestion. Thanks.

I thought about that, but I liked that title so I figured what the heck. Sometimes, though, the title doesn’t match the intent (been there, done that) which makes for an interesting discussion. I lean towards thinking that folks can read the title and still have a reaction that may or may not coincide with the title’s message.

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Title or not, I would have immediately felt spring exuberance. The greens are spring-special! And the energy of the movement of delicate twigs – probably reflected in water, but with a gentle breeze in any case. Nothing is pulling my eye out of the scene – very well seen and presented!

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Bonnie, “exuberance” is a perfect descriptor for the new growth of spring. I love the bright yellowy greens and breezy blue skies of early spring, which you’ve captured quite well! A lovely abstract rendering!

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Hi Bonnie. My immediate response is a sense of happiness that spring is arriving! As I look at the photo more, I wonder if it’s a dancing reflection on the surface of water or maybe it’s a breezy day & the branches are swaying a bit in the wind. I really like how the leaves are glowing & stand out from the background. I see a big diamond shape in the middle of the frame. I also see numerous triangles & smaller diamonds throughout the image. Also, I’ve just finally enlarged the photo on the screen & there is a great sense of depth to it that I hadn’t picked up on. Beautiful photo, Bonnie!

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