Stand together

Hiking in the panhandle of Florida searching for a wild alligator photo that I did not find, I found a different kind of natural beauty. I found these 3 trees compelling and demanding I take their portrait.

Specific Feedback Requested

I liked the center placement especially with the smaller diameter tree being in the middle as it felt balanced to me. I am curious as to that, as well as any other feedback is welcome.

Technical Details

Handheld Olympus OM1, Olympus 40-150 f2.8Pro, Tiffen CPL, ISO500, 82mm f2.8, 1/125sec. Levels adjustment LR, Clone stamp hotspots in PS

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Ken, the three trees stand out very well here, especially surrounded by all of the greens. I think centering them works well at letting them dominate the view.

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Nice find Ken. The colours and texture of the trunks stand out nicely against the greens in the background. Well balanced.