Sweet Pea Soft FocusI

I have been working on “Soft Focus” on my floral images, similar to Kathleen Clemons work , if you know who she is. This is a double exposure. I first took the image of the Sweet Pea with a texture behind the flower. Second image I manually blurred the image. The camera then put the two together.

Type of Critique Requested

Specific Feedback and Self-Critique

I am just looking for basic feedback on composition overall thoughts of the photo. I like the way the image turned out, knowing soft focus is not for everyone. I like the soft feel of the photo and think the colors work together.

Technical Details

Canon R6, Canon 100mm Macro, F20 (wanting full dept of flower), 1/30, natural light


Hi Terry, this is really fantastic. I love the light, the high-key feel, and the soft focus. And I’m intrigued that you accomplished this in camera. I will have to play around with that technique.

I think this is perfect and wouldn’t change a thing. The larger version is especially wonderful. Well done.

Oops, I just noticed a dust spot or something in the upper right corner. Easy to clone that out. :slightly_smiling_face:

Terry: Oh this is fine! I love shallow DOF images and the soft color palette enhances the effect even more. Beautiful superbly crafted image.>=))>

Thank you.

I will take the spot out. Thanks for catching it.

Thank you very much

Yes – wonderful, with gorgeous colors!! Going to f/20 for DOF here is OK since the slight diffraction softening contributes to the concept of the image.

The only problem with doing it in camera is that you are giving up the creative control you would have combining them in PS. I love how the two top flowers point in opposite directions with a blob of pink overlaid on each one in the perfect way to emphasize that. But for me it leaves a bit of a blank area at the bottom left where I’d love to see another brush of OOF pink. That could be accomplished in PS with the separate layers.

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Quite lovely, Terry.

The colors are superb, the composition is first rate and the soft focus (thanks for explaining that to everyone) is the icing on the cake. I honestly can’t imagine anyone not liking this because of the soft focus. Just superb in every regard, Terry!

Thank you.

Thank you very much, I appreciate your feedback

Thank you for your feedback

Nicely done for sure. Double exposure is not something I’ve ever done - either in camera or in software, but it’s on my list. I think doing it in camera forces a process on you as a photographer of envisioning and executing all at once. I’m sure it’s challenging in that sense and I bet satisfying, too. Terrific result.

Thank you for your feedback.

Terry, I love this look. Looking at this image just makes me relax and smile. Something so comforting about it. I’ve never tried doing double exposures but I think I will have to put it on my list of techniques to try. Nicely done!

Thank you. Hope you can try it soon.

Hi Terry,
This is a beautiful composition. I especially like the blending with the background. I have worked with textures in PS to accomplish a similar look. You achieved amazing softness. Just a small nit: the bottom two blossoms are cut off. Any way to complete the form of those two blossoms? Overall an amazing image!

Thank you for your feedback