Teton Beaver Pond & Hut

A small beaver pond & hut with the Tetons in the distance.

Specific Feedback Requested


Technical Details

Wista DXIII 4x5 - Schneider APO 210mm - Velvia 50


Nice capture. I like the light on the beaver hut and the way it echoes the far off mountain

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This is a beauty, Paul. The glow of the lodge and its shape mimic the distant mountains well.

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I love it. So rich - that’s Velvia for you - and grandly intimate if that makes any sense. The light is nice and the reflection pretty great. You might have a go at raising the green luminance just a hair if you are one for film post-processing. What a restful and inviting scene.

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Beautiful warm light on the lodge in a very peaceful scene. For my tastes, I would clone out the very front plants, then crop a very little bit off the bottom for balance. For some reason, I find my attention halting quite a bit when I start at the bottom and then see that greenery in the front. Otherwise, it looks great.


@CharlesV @Mark_Seaver @Kris_Smith @Harley_Goldman , thank you all for your reviews and kind comments. Time permitting I’ll take a poke at the suggested changes.
As always, I appreciate the ideas as over time we lose sight of the various possibilities an image might have with certain changes… :sunglasses: