Through the Looking Glass

Sony A100
Minolta 200mm macro
ISO 200, 1/10 @ f11
I’m a single capture guy through and through so I can probably count the number of decent blended images I have on one hand. This was one of my very first attempts and done pretty much by necessity. I discovered this bejeweled web in our garden with the flowering milkweed in the BG. It was a little breezy and the distance from the web to the flower was way outside the bounds of DOF so I shot one on the web, one on the flowers and one in between for a soft color wash. This was taken in 2006 with my first DSLR and probably my first version of Photoshop. My processing skills were really rudimentary but I kept juggling opacities and layer positions and finally arrived at this. One of these days I may revisit the original captures and rework it just for fun to see if I can get it to come our any better but it still pleases me. All comments welcome. >=))>


This is a very interesting image. It has an other worldly feeling to it. The colors and the softness of the background draw me through the image. I like it.

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Bill, this is very striking! The string of pearls web acts as a fine zoom pulling attention to those lovely flowers and their fine glow. The extra softness around the flowers and in their leaves adds to the mystical feeling. Because of the limited dof on the web and dew drops, my thought is that if you go back for a redo, you might lower the opacity of the web a bit and bring out the flowers a bit more making this more about the flowers and less about the web, while retaining the fine mystical sense. This is very nicely creative.

Very creative, Bill. I don’t do the blending (stacking) shots, and so I appreciate what you did here, even back in 2006. Great job.

I like this very much Bill. It is obviously blended but done in such an artistic manner that the blend looks purposeful. I’m trying to say that the blend is used not for the usual reasons to overcome the limitations of the camera but to create a unique ‘creation’. I think you pulled off the idea very successfully here and it’s so different that it may encourage others to use it.

I think this is awesome. Love it!!

Amazing Bill. That came out very well indeed.