
Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


A twisted tree and surrounding landscape with dramatic lighting. Captured at Silver Falls State Park, Oregon.

Specific Feedback

Improvements, general mood, Composition, etc.

Technical Details

Nikon D700, 1/8 sec at f/9, 24mm, ISO 200 (Nikkor 24-70 f/2.8)

Hi, Ray - I haven’t made it to Silver Falls yet but it’s on “the list”. Lots of potential here, and I hope you’ll accept my comments as constructive critique.

Light - This is very difficult light for this type of scene. The contrast range is so great that your shadows are blocked up and highlights blown out, which distracts my eye from exploring the scene. I think overcast light or perhaps very early morning/late afternoon, when the sun is lower and less contrasty, would have worked better.

Composition - There’s a lot here, but nothing really stands out as the subect. I’m a sucker for trees, and I think making that foreground tree your primary focus, moving it more to the left and perhaps showcasing more of it, would make for a stronger composition. Fill the frame with it, and let the background be just that…the background.

Processing - All looks good here. Colors are vibrant but don’t burn my eyes, doesn’t seem overprocessed in any way. Very nicely done.

Again, just my 2 cents, FWIW. Thank you for sharing!

Thank you so much for your thoughtful insights.