Umtanum Creek recreation area

Taken from the entry road into the Umtanum area of the Yakima River Canyon.

Specific Feedback Requested

Any comments are appreciated. Thought this should be non-nature because of fence and railroad in background.

Technical Details

5DmkIV; 1/400th; 400ISO; 9.0; 24/70; HH


Jim, this is really a fine image. I love the two converging lines of the fence and tracks. Very engaging, with the vertical trees complimenting the lines of the scene. Well done.

@David_Bostock Thank you.

Hi Jim! I agree with David’s comments. I like the ‘Z’ pattern made with all the converging lines. The snow makes the other colors pop and really sets up the scene. Well done.

Steve, Thank you.

Hi Jim,

I agree with @David_Bostock about how the fence line and tracks converge in a very appealing way, the fence line doesn’t lead my attention out of frame but rather into the scene in general.
I also really like how the light casts the soft shadows of the fence onto the snow.
The FG exposure is really nice and the darker BG behind the tree line and tracks adds a lot of depth to the scene.

I think the composition is great and the colors seem to top it off for me.
It has a very nice artistic, painterly feel to it! :slight_smile:

A pleasure to view as presented, thanks for posting it. :slight_smile:

@Merv Thank you for the nice comments. They are much appreciated.