Victoria Rainbow

“The Smoke That Thunders” is an apt name for Victoria Falls. A plume of water and vapor rises over it, enough that I was soaked in a matter of minutes. The truly thunderous sound surrounds and fills whatever space is left by the “smoke.” The mile long walk along the width of it reveals one stunning view after another, this while the sun created a rainbow that was nearly 360°. Yes, there is some touristy stuff, issues with crossing borders and maybe even pickpockets but it is magnificent and well worth the time to be there.

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Technical Details

Pentax K-7, 1/400, f/8.0, 18mm,ISO200 with minor adjustments to tone curves in LR

Very cool that the 'bow starts bending back, indicating it really is going full circle!

Not a critique of the image, but this may have been cropped from a larger version - there’s a narrow band of gray on the left edge. No biggie, but that’s what we’re here for … ha ha.

Never been, but I can just imagine the tremendous roar and power.

A wonderful image of an icon. Well done, John.

Thank you. My bad. Pre-coffee, morning eyeballs not working quite right.