Weathered snags

The combination of golden grasses, windblown snags and heavy clouds caught my eyes as we walked towards a water fall in the Torres del Paine region of Chile. This area routinely gets high winds and these snags show the results with their bending towards the east. While there have been multiple forest fires in this area over the last decade, these do not show signs of being burned. (5D3, 24- 105 @ 38mm, 1/500 s, f/11, iso 800, tripod and polarizer)

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This really conveys the sense of the predominant wind direction. The colors are lovely, also, especially the grasses.

I immediately thought: Patagonia! The lighting here is very very interesting… I usually skip the side-and-backlit scene but I think this turns out quite nice, Mark. Have you considered flipping it horizontally?

Very neat looking snags in a great scene, Mark. Oddly, when I look at this image, I can’t seem to focus on the trees and I keep looking through them at the rest of the scene. I don’t know if others react similarly or not, but I’d be interested in knowing.

Superb range of hues and tones, Mark, but, above all, I respond to the feeling of bleakness generated by the bare branches, the rolling clouds and the sway of the grasses.

Dennis, the mix of stark and inviting is what attracted me to this scene.

Really interesting, living in Northern California, my first thought was fire scared snags. I really like the composition of the small to med to larger snag as head toward the BG. Very nice!

Mark: Well seen and captured. This is a wonderful scene with a great combination of elements where the whole equals more than the sum of the parts. Many kudos. >=))>

Very nice image, Mark. The stumps and trees as well as the bending grass give a feel for the predominant wind . I kind of echo Dennis P. comment that the the rolling hillsides and hummocks are so inviting that the weathered snags kind of get in the way of enjoying the grassland view. Great colors. , great sky, and great textures . Looks like many photo opportunities in this landscape.