What's it say

Image Description

while chasing the Bluebells that are just starting to bloom, I walked past this long fallen tree trunk. It had a number of interesting collections of cracks, holes and subtle colors. I found this section where I’m still trying to figure out what caused these small crack archs, but it sure looked like some kind of heiroglyphics…hence the title.

Specific Feedback and Self-Critique

I was attracted to these collections of small arching cracks.

Technical Details

R5, 180 mm macro, f/16


Fascinating, Mark. Some of those vertical lines - with horizontal strokes - look like stitches. Kind of a scary thought. My only thought is the couple of circular holes are a bit distractive, but that just me. Definitely an interesting find.

Mark: I’ve sat and looked at this for some time which tells me it’s an interesting subject and worthy of a shutter release. I like everything from the randomness of the cracks and the texture of the bark. Well seen and nicely captured. >=))>

Mark, this is fascinating. I first thought it was dried up mud with cracks, at first glance in the thumbnail version. It reminded me of some kind of map or hieroglyphics. Great find and capture. Sorry I am so late in commenting, but I have been up at the camper in Virginia for a few days, and all of the sitting has got my back muscles aggravated, so sitting at the computer has to be brief.