Winter Time Updated


I am looking forward to the flower boom this spring in southern AZ and these flowers are looking better for the bees. The low southern sun lighting highlights the bee and I have been trying to work with the lighting more.

Type of Critique Requested

  • Aesthetic: Feedback on the overall visual appeal of the image, including its color, lighting, cropping, and composition.
  • Technical: Feedback on the technical aspects of the image, such as exposure, color, focus and reproduction of colors and details, post-processing, and print quality.

Specific Feedback and Self-Critique

I am focusing on light as a new direction how to photograph these bees

Technical Details

R7 RF 100-500 at 500mm ISO 1600 1/800 f/16 I am about 5 feet away from her. Been testing this lens to see if I like it.

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Dean, this looks very good. The light is working very well at showing off the bee’s abdomen and back as well as the flowers. I do think that if you keep the same dimensions, but crop from the bottom left so that the flower stem is in (or near) the corner, you’ll have a more dynamic image.

Dean, I am looking forward to spring and the bees and flowers too. So glad that you have some to shoot there in Southern Arizona. Nice.

The lighting on the bee and the flower are very nice, in my opinion. I too thought that the bottom needs cropping off a bit so up to the stem of the flower. The oof leaves don’t add to this nice shot, in my humble opinion. You are really getting a nice collection of bee shots.

Thank you for the feedback, @Mark_Seaver and @Shirley_Freeman. I liked the suggestions you had and updated the photo image.

I like it too, Dean.

Oh that light. Difficult to pull off, but I think you did it. Mark and Shirley’s advice about the corner OOF leaves was spot on and the 2nd version works quite well. I like her side-on angle and how one wing’s leading edge is crisp and perfectly straight to the camera and the other set frames her glowing abdomen.

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Dean: Really like the revision. Terrific light management and I like the BG. Top notch shot. >=))>